Our raw material

Environmental responsibility and circular economy lie at the heart of producing this unique textile ingredient, Kuura®, which is moving the world towards a more sustainable future. Our textile fibre offers an alternative to various end uses in the world of textiles, without compromising environmental sustainability or product quality.

Raw material commitments

Fully Certified

Pine and spruce from certified Finnish forests.

Family Owned

Nearly two-thirds of forests in Finland are family-owned.


The total volume of trees in Finland increases every year.

Heavily Forested

Forests cover 75 percent of Finland, making it Europe’s most heavily forested country.


Balanced co-existence for animals, plants, human recreation and industrial use.

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Product properties

Environmental responsibility and circular economy lie at the heart of producing this unique textile ingredient, Kuura®, which is moving the world towards a more sustainable future. Our textile fibre offers an alternative to various end uses in the world of textiles, without compromising environmental sustainability or product quality.

Kuura product attributes


Origin of our raw material is always known.


Recyclable fibre and a closed-loop production.


Fibre comprises of natural, biodegradable carbohydrates.


Wood and pulp production within approx. a 200 km radius.

Sustainable *)

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From forest to factory

A certified, renewable raw material and a first-of-its-kind production process. Learn more about the concept behind the Kuura® fibre.

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